Hello, Apple Helpers! I'm having trouble connecting to a home VPN that I set up. It has worked flawlessly until I upgraded to Yosemite this weekend. Here are the details: The Mac in question is a mid-2012 MacBook Pro 13" with a 2.9 Ghz i7. I use this at home and at work every day. I have a Raspberry Pi model B running a SoftEther VPN on my home

Mac OSX Yosemite connecting to SMB Share over VPN : sysadmin Oct 22, 2008 Our YCCD Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows authorized employees securely access our YCCD intranet while located outside the office. As part of the COVID-19 contingency planning the VPN request form is no longer necessary for faculty/staff. Aug 01, 2015 · How to Set Up a VPN in OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) Let’s get started. Click the Apple Button from the Menu Bar, and select System Preferences… . Locate the Network button, and give it a click. From the menu on the left side of the Network window, there’s a list of all your current connections (whether Oct 17, 2014 · Set Up The VPN Server and Client on Yosemite Server OS X Server has long had a VPN service that can be run. The server is capable of running the two most commonly used VPN protocols: PPTP and L2TP. The L2TP protocol is always in use, but the server can run both concurrently. By default, Yosemite Server VPN will distribute IP addresses in the same range the Mac itself uses. This doesn’t work well in a facility like Macminicolo where each Mac mini has a static WAN IP address.

Yosemite Server Part 20: VPN - YouTube

One of the clouds I have access to is protected by a Palo Alto firewall. It has its own VPN client which allows me access to it. It is known as GlobalProtect. As an avid Mac user I have upgraded to Yosemite the moment it came out. Whilst I had run most of my software in a Yosemite VM, I … yosemite - Don't Sleep Network Connection / VPN - Ask Yosemite VPN breaks internet connection over Wi-fi. 10. quicklookd and revisiond eating my CPU. 3. Yosemite: prevent 'Bring All to Front' behaviour on Command-Tab. 21. Sleep timeout missing from the energy saver preferences. 4. Is there any way to disable auto-shutdown from login screen when no … VPN client is not working after Yosemite update: Enforce

The Yosemite Community College District website makes use of several modern web and mobile technologies that are not compatible with versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer earlier than IE 9. This incompatibility will prevent the website from displaying properly on your computer.

Mac OSX Yosemite connecting to SMB Share over VPN : sysadmin