Fuck off Google! Don't let Google & co. take over our lives and spaces! Google steals and exploits our data for profit and turned this behaviour into a norm. It also colonizes our physical spaces. Google canceled its plan for a ‘Google Campus’ in Kreuzberg, Berlin under pressure by the neighborhood; yet it continues its expansion worldwide.

Google are the true evil & pirates of the internet. They preach tolerance but practice dominance.They are the true thieves and criminals of the internet on a massive scale Infowars.com there's a war on for your mind. ↓ Protest Big Tech BELOW ↓ Fuck Google – The Burning Platform Fuck Google and everything they stand for. This pandemic is and will be far worse than the ruling class and their mouthpieces will tell you. Shutting down truth tellers is a sign of desperation. It will get worse. "LEAVE GOOGLE" use these search engines instead - YouTube Jul 24, 2017 Fuck you Google - YouTube

IMPORTANT: F*ck overlays is a VERY light extension to give you an option to delete anything on a webpage whenever you want. F*ck overlays does not remember anything you have f*cked, so simply REFRESHING the page should cause the element to reappear.

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IMPORTANT: F*ck overlays is a VERY light extension to give you an option to delete anything on a webpage whenever you want. F*ck overlays does not remember anything you have f*cked, so simply REFRESHING the page should cause the element to reappear.

Jul 22, 2020 Sign in - Google Accounts