Googlemail - Gmail: Server: Authentication: Port: SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) SSL: 465 : StartTLS: 587: IMAP Server (Incoming

Gmail’s SMTP Server can be used to send emails from any of your favorite email client.You can send email using any email client, from any network that lets you connect to the Google’s SMTP server. All that has to be done is to setup the third party application with Gmail’s SMTP Settings. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Mail Server Settings Mar 31, 2020 Gmail SMTP settings — here is what you need to send emails

Change Outgoing server settings in Mail on Mac - Apple Support

Outgoing Server Settings: Outgoing Server Name: Port: 465 with SSL or Port: 587 with TLS Require Authentication: Yes. User Name: Enter your Zoho username or your complete Zoho Mail address. If your domain is hosted with Zoho, then your email address will be in the format Email Address: Enter Your Zoho Mail address.

Dec 05, 2019