R value or 50mm polystyrene is 1.25. R value of 50mm Celotex is 2.25. It has to be noted that over 7-10 years Celotex will drop in R-value to match the polystyrene as polystyrene will not drop. Wickes supply 50mmx1200mmx2400mm polystyrene @ £14-56 per sheet (2.16KG per board average density) Wickes supply 50mmx1200mmx2400mm Celotex @ £22-78

50mm Celotex GA4050 is a multi-purpose insulation board that provides solution to overcome from the localized thermal bridges problem. Featuring a low emissivity foil facings, this board has been manufactured from tough polyisocyanurate (PIR) by using a perfect mix of certain blowing agents which acquires zero ozone depletion potential (zero ODP) and a low global warming impact (GWP). 62.5mm Celotex PL4050 | 50mm PIR Insulation Bonded to 62.5mm Celotex PL4050 is a high performance thermal insulation board where the 50mm PIR insulation is bonded to 12.5mm tapered edge plasterboard. It is manufactured from rigid polyisocyanurate (PIR) using a blend of blowing agents that have zero ozone depletion potential (zero ODP) and low global warming potential (GWP). Using 50mm polystyrene instead of 50mm Celotex for R value or 50mm polystyrene is 1.25. R value of 50mm Celotex is 2.25. It has to be noted that over 7-10 years Celotex will drop in R-value to match the polystyrene as polystyrene will not drop. Wickes supply 50mmx1200mmx2400mm polystyrene @ £14-56 per sheet (2.16KG per board average density) Wickes supply 50mmx1200mmx2400mm Celotex @ £22-78

panels have more insulating value; therefore R-values increase with increasing panel thickness. These values are listed in Chapter 25, Table 4 of the 2001 ASHRAE Handbook published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). OSB thickness (inch) R-value 3/8 0.45 7/16 0.51 1/2 0.62 5/8 0.74 3/4 0.91

The lambda value, also portrayed as ‘K-value’ or ‘λ-value’, measures a product’s thermal conductivity in units of W/m·K. A good insulation will have as low a lambda value as possible to reduce heat loss. For example, our new lower lambda products each have a lambda value of 0.018 W/m·K … Ballytherm.co.uk | Ballytherm Ltd Ballytherm PIR Insulation Boards are perfect for insulating your attic, cavity walls and roof, making your home energy efficient and energy saving. Kingspan TR27 Thermaroof Rigid PIR Flat Roof Insulation Boards

Calculate the thickness of the IKO enertherm PIR Insulation Boards required to achieved a U-Value ofLambda 0.023W/M2K for a particular roofing build-up.

U Value Tables - November 2016 1 - Thomas Armstrong insulation types and for specific u-value calculations, please contact our Technical Department. The information contained here is designed to offer the Celotex 50mm€Kingspan€/ Celotex 60mm€Kingspan€/ Celotex 55mm€Kingspan€K8 70mm€Kingspan€/ Celotex 65mm€Kingspan€K8 85mm€Kingspan€/ Celotex Kingspan K7 60mm Kooltherm - Kingspan Insulation Kingspan K7 insulation is available in a range of thickness 25mm, 40mm, 50mm, 70mm, 75mm, 80mm, 100mm, 120mm, 140mm To get the information on K7 Kooltherm insulation range directly from the Kingspan insulation manufacturer click here .